This year’s One Cape Summit focused on Environment and Economy.

Kris attended Day #2 which focused on blue economy (maritime based jobs) opportunities. Cape Cod’s coast lines provide many blue economy jobs: whale watching, charter fishing, transportation services, resource management, and (of course) aquaculture.
Aquaculture and resource management are right in Kris’ wheelhouse. Kris served for over 13 years as the Town of Barnstable Deputy Shellfish Constable. From 2009 – 2016 she was the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Shellfish Farm Manager. In that capacity she developed and implemented a start-up business plan for the tribe’s for-profit oyster farm. To learn more about Kris’ resume, visit Meet Kris Clark.
Also of interest on the One Cape Summit Day #2 agenda were presentations on town planning tools. These tools integrate design, economics and public input to develop strategies for improving quality of life while increasing living space density. Town of Barnstable planners are looking to the future to ensure that affordable workforce housing opportunities are created.
Finally, a presentation by the US Census Bureau emphasized the need for our participation in the 2020 census. The importance of keeping respondent data strictly confidential was both emphasized and reiterated. And, the US Census Bureau is offering census takers jobs at $19/hour. Here’s a link to see if you qualify 2020 US Census Job Opportunities.